Periodic signal:
A periodic signal x (t) is a function of time that satisfies the condition –
x (t) =x (t + T) .............(1) for all t,
Where T is a constant. Clearly, if this condition is satisfied for T = T0 ,say, then it is also satisfied for T = 2T0, 3T0, 4T0,......
The smallest value of T that satisfies the eq-1 is called the fundamental period of x (t). Accordingly, the fundamental period T defines the duration of one complete cycle of x (t). The reciprocal of the fundamental period T is called the fundamental frequency of the periodic signal x (t); it describe how frequently the periodic signal x (t) repeats itsself. we thus formally write-
f = 1/T
The frequency f is measured in hertz or cycle per second. The angular frequency, measured in radians per second, is defined by-
ω = 2πf = 2π/T
Example of periodic signal:
Continuous time Square wave
MAT LA Bcommand:
>>w = 10*pi;
>>rho = 0.5;
>>t = 0: .001: 1;
>>sq=A*square (w * t , rho );
>>plot (t , sq )
A= Amplitude of the signal
w = Fundamental frequency (measured in radians/second)
rho = Duty cycle
t = 0 : .001 : 1
Time interval = 0 to 1 second
Sampling interval = .001 second
plot (t , sq ) is for to plot a continuous time signal
Discrete time square wave
MAT LAB command:
>>A =1;
>>0mega = pi/4;
>> n= -10:10;
>> x = A* square (omega * n);
>> stem (n , x )
Triangular wave
MAT LA Bcommand:
>>A = 1;
>>w0 =10*pi;
>>w =0.5;
>>t =0 : .001 : 1;
>>tri =A*sawtooth (w0*t ,w);
>>plot (t ,tri )
Discrete time triangular wave
MAT LA Bcommand:
>>A =1;
>>0mega = pi/18;
>> n= -20:20;
>> x = A* sawtooth (omega * n);
>> stem (n , x )
Exponential signal:
MAT LAB commands for decay exponential signal( x(t) = 5 e-at ):
>>B = 5;
>>a = 6;
>>t = 0 : .001 : 1;
>>x = B*exp (-a*t );
>>plot (t ,x )
MAT LA Bcommand for discrete time decay exponential signal:
>>B = 1;
>>r = 0.85;
>>n = -10 :10;
>>x = B*r. ^ n;
>>stem (n , x )
MAT LABcommand for growing exponential signal (x(t) = 5eat):
>>B = 1;
>>a = 5;
>>t =0 : .001 : 1;
>>x = B*exp( a*t );
>>plot( t ,x )
Here B and a are real parameters. The parameter B is the amplitude of the exponential signal measured at the time t = 0.
MAT LABcommand for discrete time growing exponential signal:
>>B = 1;
>>r = 0.85;
>>n = -10 :10;
>>x = B*r. ^ -n;
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